What happened to your writing goals?

Not terribly long ago I wrote up a post outlining the goals that I intended to keep for the year. One of those goals was to write a couple of blog posts per week, in an attempt to keep my personal blog fresh. If you read that post, you may be wondering what happened?

What happened was I came across a Fantasy-Faction.comOpens in a new tab. through twitter. The website is one based primarily on Fantasy reading. In addition to the blog, where you can find reviews and such, there is a growing forum. I have been spending a bit of time reading the various topics and attempting to participate where I can.

Shortly after signing up for the forum, I received an email reaching out to the community for contributors. I dropped a link on Twitter to my Best Served Cold review and asked it that was the sort of thing that the site was looking for. The response was positive and I decided to try my hand at contributing a book review once per month.

Because of the complete random nature of this blog (One week I talk about guns, the next writing, and the next parenting), I decided to put my book reviews in a place where they would be more niche specific and get more people reading them. In the long run, I think this will help my reading goal in forcing me to read a book per month to keep up with my review commitment.

Initially it is going to be a little tough (Review scheduled to appear on Wednesday, February 23rd) because the book I am currently reading has already been reviewed on Fantasy-Faction. Fortunately I can fall back on Robin Hobb’s Dragin Keeper and Dragin Haven (both of which I haven’t written a review on, but have recorded video). I’ll be using those two books while I finish my current book and read through another for a future review.

My plan is to post an except of my review here, along with embedding the video. I’ll then be pointing you to my Fantasy-Faction.com post for the review in its entirety. So far I am excited in the direction the site is moving and look forward to seeing it grow. While there are other Fantasy based reading/writing forums/blogs out there, this is only the second one to appeal enough to me to read on a reglar basis.

I’ve also got a couple of ideas for future blog posts, it’s just a matter of getting caught up around the house to sit down and create them.


Hi There, My name is Walt White and as the name of this blog suggests, I am a Pennsylvania resident. In addition to having numerous hobbies that I discuss on my blog - I’m also the father of three little girls and a pitbull.

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