Hey Baby, how you doin’?

Walt and Natalie - 1 Day Old

Ever since my wife and I began to share the news of our expected baby, I have been offered a great many words of wisdom. One of the most common came from parents telling me that when the child is born my life will change forever. Being an expecting parent, I think I took that for granted. I assumed that my wife and I would give and receive unconditional love from our child. I also thought it was a little reminder of the days of old when we would get a full nights rest without the need to feed and change soiled diapers in the dead of night.

While I think I am right on all counts, I don’t think I ever understood what unconditional love really was until I had a child of my own. Sure, I love my wife, I love my parents and siblings, I love my nieces and nephews, and I even love my dog, but it is nothing like the wave of emotion that hits you the first time you look into the eyes of your child.

I watched my daughter enter this world and be placed onto my wife’s belly to be cleaned up. When she was nestled onto my wife, she stopped crying and looked around the room as if taking in the world. Her eyes were so wide and bright that I was speechless. When those eyes fell on me I felt a lump swell in my throat. She took my breath away.

Just thinking about that moment while I type this is making me all misty-eyed. If there is anything as powerful as that moment, I have yet to experience it. Perhaps you just have to be a parent to understand the kind of emotional reaction I’m trying to convey to you. In any case it was simply amazing and I’ll never forget it.


Hi There, My name is Walt White and as the name of this blog suggests, I am a Pennsylvania resident. In addition to having numerous hobbies that I discuss on my blog - I’m also the father of three little girls and a pitbull.

9 thoughts on “Hey Baby, how you doin’?

  1. Walt, first you look waaayyyy too young to be a dad (gosh I feel old). I know you’re not that young!
    Second enjoy all of it, happiest day of my life, 12/17/86.
    Third, it’ s little things that will bring the fondest memories (but she hasn’t married yet).
    Enjoy I wish the three of you all happiness.

    1. Gary,
      Believe it or not, I feel like an old parent. People are having kids so young these days that it just seems strange for my wife and I to have our first at 28.

      Thanks for the well-wishes

    1. Adam,
      This little girl of mine is putting a smile on my face every time I look at her.

      Thanks for the well-wishes

  2. Beautiful Walt. My eldest daughter was born when I was 28. The second was 5 1/2 years later. They are now 27 and 21. Time does fly. Never miss an opportunity to hug and hold and kiss–even when it embarrasses them! Heck, especially when it embarrasses them. The day will come when it feels a bit awkward, but do it anyway! When they’re grown and gone, it’ll be too late. There is a special bond between dads and daughters. enjoy it and soak up every minute. You will never regret it, my friend.

  3. That’s awesome Walt! You nailed it! I still get teared up when I think back to both days when my sons were born. Congrats again Brother!

  4. Hi Walt,

    Sorry I am a bit late but my heartfelt congratulations to you…


  5. Walt, Congrats again. I have loads of parenting advise for you when the teenage years come around…let me know. You seem like you will have no problems with the “embarrasing her in fromnt of her peers” part, which is very important. Best to you and your family!

  6. Congratulations! I started my family early but find that as I have MATURED I appreciate and find more time for my grandchildren. I spend quality time with them, the dishes in the sink can wait until later. So enjoy this little bundle of joy because they grow up so fast.

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