For the past few days I’ve been sitting down at my laptop and telling myself that I needed to write something for my blog. It has been a tough process, coming up with topics that go beyond those that I would cover in a personal journal.
Some days I simply don’t know what to write about. How often do you really want to hear about a particular gym session or that I haven’t lost any weight during a given week? I’ve tried branching out, covering more informational topics such as water consumption, but at times it is very difficult to get any traction.
When I go back and look at my blog stats there is a clear preference for older content on guns. While I was never huge into the sport of IDPA, for whatever reason those topics dominate the list when I look at what posts are being read over a given week.
I would love to get back into the shooting sports, I’ve been trying, but there just aren’t enough hours in the day. I thought that with my wife picking up a consistent full-time schedule at work and our daughter starting Kindergarten we would have ample time to get back into hobbies. This just isn’t the case.
It may sound like I’m complaining but I’m really not. I like seeing our daughter active and playing sports. While I’m not religious, I like that she has also taken an interest in Cherub Choir at the church. When the weekend rolls around, I’m trying to spend time together as a family. With my wife working alternating weekends and our daughter’s soccer games happening on Saturdays, there just isn’t a lot of time for the things I used to engross myself in.
Sure, I miss shooting USPSA Matches, attending Archery Shoots at various clubs, and spending hours editing photos and videos to share with my readers. I also miss hunting, especially Dove and Goose hunting with my Mentor, but Family comes first.
Moments like these are what I have. I’m sitting out on my deck, a cup of coffee on one side of the laptop and a cigar on the other, racing the clock to write something meaningful before I have to start dinner. My wife is at work and our daughter is in the house watching Netflix. By the time we get back from choir tonight it will nearly be bedtime. Both our daughter’s and mine as 4:00am comes very early these days.
Perhaps I’ll make it a late night and record an Episode of Slimming Down Dad. I tried multi-tasking and recording during my commute to work on Monday but I suddenly lost the desire when I nearly clipped a dear running across the road.
I’ve developed this terrible habit of waiting for inspiration to strike. Something, anything to happen in my day to day life to inspire another blog post. This hasn’t been working for me and I could use some serious help. What do you want to read about? What would inspire you to join in the dicussion by commenting and sharing?
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