Last week I went out on a limb and posted my video on Selecting a Pocket Pistol to Suit My Needs on the Gun Rights Radio Network Forum. In my post, I asked for some feedback because I have been thinking about doing a gun podcast. Armed with some solid feedback, I sat down and thought long and hard about taking the next step.
I decided that it wouldn’t hurt anything to give it a try. I struggled to come up with a format that I was happy with. My first draft looked like an episode of the Gun Dudes, minus the golden comedic value, so I overhauled my notes. After about draft three I had something on paper that I felt comfortable with.
The Pilot Episode, if you will, is outlined below in my show notes. I have included links to the items that were discussed in the video and hope that you take a few minutes and check them out. The run time of the show turned out to be about fifty minutes.
The funny thing about this entire process is that I’m pretty nervous about putting this show out there. I have been doing video cigar reviews, over at Stogie Review, for about four years and never felt anxious about anything that I put together for public consumption. I suppose the change in subject and extreme length of video are what stirred my nerves. At any rate, I hope you enjoy the podcast and I look forward to hearing from you in the comments section down below.
Show Notes
In The News
- Gun Query Off Limits fo Doctors in Florida – from the New York Times
- Fatal Shooting in Belmont was Self Defense – from
- Applebee’s Diner Shoots Mugger – from OldNorteast-DowntownSt.PetePatch
Featured Content
- You don’t need to buy a zombie target – From Shelley at Gun Nuts Media
- Power Factor Show: Episode 31
Cigar and Drink Pairing
In this episode, the cigar and drink pairing was Caribou Coffee and an E.P. Carrillo New Wave Connecticut. For more information on this cigar, take a look at the review over at Stogie Review
. To purchase, I would recommend reaching out to Buckhead Cigar Club in Atlanta Georgia (Phone: 404-844-0400).
Topic of Discussion
In this show I wanted to talk a little about how to catch the eye of a consumer in a forum classified post, selling firearms. Never having sold a gun in this fashion, my point of view is completely from the side of someone browsing the web for a potential purchase.
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I posted on fb about this. Thought it was great and you graciously responded to a question i had with tons of info. Thank you sir. Keep up the good work.
It was no problem. I’m glad I was able to help you out.
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Walt, been keeping up with the site and have a comment on your pocket pistol. A short story…A LONG time ago when I went shopping for my first deer rifle, it took me over a year to finally get it, had it all picked out and went to the gun shop. yep, a Remmington 760 BDL pump in 30.06 cal. with a Bushnell 3X9 Banner Scope. It was $129.00 (told you it was a long time ago). It was 3 weeks before the season started and it just so happened that the gun shop was sold out. I was as upset as a 12 YO could be. Dad took me home almost in tears. All my buddies had that gun and it was what I wanted. That night he sat me down and asked me a question that changed my perspective. He asked me if I seen all the guns that they had on display. I replied that I did. He then asked me why do you think they sell those seemingly hundreds of different rifles for deer hunting? I replied I dunno. He said that if everyone wanted the same gun there would only be one choice. He said that he would take me back the end of the week and we would try again. So we went back and although they still didn’t have the 760 in standard length they did have the same gun in a carbine length. (19.5″ barrel) . After handling the gun I made up my mind that this one was the one I wanted. It was different and yet still the same. I still have that pretty gun and love toteing it around the woods. Anyway back to the comment. The pocket pistol you choose will be the one that you will end up loving. Don’t worry too much about which one. Make a decision and don’t look back, They will make more and it will give you a good reason to seek the next one. I carry my LCP and hope that I never have to use it, I still have a woodie when I see the Nickel PPKS at Bass Pro. If I ever have to use a pocket pistol in defense, I will more than likely have to surrender it and quite possibly end up loosing it to authorities. I would hate to loose a PPKS. Something to think about. Take Care buddy. I’ll try to listen to a podcast but I’m behind on all my cigar podcasts.
Thanks for sharing the story. That is a good point regarding surrendering the pistol. I’ve heard stories of guns taken in for evidence and not being returned for years.
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Hi Walt, not a huge fan of guns as I don’t live in the wild west but I still watched! (what’s wrong with me?). For what it’s worth I think you did a very good job.
Thanks for checking it out. Even though guns aren’t your thing, I hope you got some enjoyment out of the video, even if it was only a tiny bit.
Thanks for watching and leaving a comment.
I’m lucky enough to take my weapon with me to work everyday. We’re constantly being shown homemade / misleading zipguns, ballistic tests on rounds, ricochet tests, and news stories involving shootouts. There’s TONS of info out there you could tap into for content. I think most peoples interest is based around home/self protection but are unfarmilar with the guns they own. I’m looking forward to your posts.
I had no idea what a zip gun was up until a few years ago. I was sitting down at a restaurant with my wife and another couple. I was talking to husband, who is a machinist or tool-maker (I can never remember which he does) and he got to talking about this side project he did for a friend. It turns out that he made a zip-gun to fire a single .22lr round. Before handing it over to his friend he found out that it was highly ilegal. He went on to tell me that he chopped it up into a dozen tin pieces on the spot. Now he knows to never make anything that would fire a bullet again.
One of the nice things about doing this podcast is that it will force me to learn more about guns (which I’m looking forward to). I’d love to take some more formal training as well (I’ve done an NRA Pistol course).
Thanks for the suggestions. I have a couple of news feeds setup to draw content ideas from. Thanks for watching the video and leaving a comment!
Good show Walt listening while cooking dinner, my wife walked in and was looking around for the other guy in the room talking!!! Good Intro and I look forward to more shows.
Thanks for checking it out. Next episode should be up fairly soon (I had fun recording this episode and didn’t want to wait two weeks before doing another)
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Walt, just watched your pilot episode and thought it was great. Will be watching the others shortly. Good format and interesting topics!
Thanks for checking it out. I look forward to hearing what you think of the other episodes!