Slimming Down Dad Weekly Challenge: 250 Pike Pushups

A few weeks back I was talking to my good friend Jerry Cruz and he told me about a Slim Down Challenge that he signed up for at his local Anytime Fitness. One of the aspects that I found most interesting was that he was participating in a weekly challenge.

I liked the concept so much that I decided to borrow it and incorporate it into my November ProjectOpens in a new tab.. Since the Slimming Down Dad 10K Virtual Fun Run was so much fun, I thought I’d open this up to the readers as well.

The premise is simple. Every Monday throughout the month of November I will post a weekly exercise challenge. All of the exercises will be body-weight only so that everyone can follow along at home. Feel free to modify the exercise as needed to increase / decrease difficulty to meet your needs.

Weekly Challenge - Week 2

To participate, all you have to do is perform 250 Pike Pushups (YouTube demonstration video below) between now and next Monday. Feel free to tell us how you’re doing on the Slimming Down Dad Facebook PageOpens in a new tab. or by using the #SlimmingDownDadChallenge hashtag on Social Media.


Hi There, My name is Walt White and as the name of this blog suggests, I am a Pennsylvania resident. In addition to having numerous hobbies that I discuss on my blog - I’m also the father of three little girls and a pitbull.

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