If you are into shooting, you are probably familiar with the name Julie Golob. She is a highly accomplished professional shooter with a number of titles. She has appeared on a number of televised shooting programs, which most recently include Top Shot
, Top Guns
, and Shooting USA
What you may not know about Julie Golob (or perhaps you do if you’ve been listening to my Shooting The Breeze Podcasts – Episode 34 | Episode 25 | Episode 19 | Episode 17 | Episode 16 – Wow, after typing up that list I feel like such a fanboi) is that she recently wrote a book entitled SHOOT: Your Guide to Shooting and Competition.
During the winter months, when local USPSA Shooting was on hiatus, I had the pleasure of reading Julie’s book. After reading SHOOT, I recommended it on my podcast and to a couple of personal friends. The few people that told me that they purchased the book, seemed to enjoy it as well.
Fast-forward a few months. I was recently thinking that it would be cool to do a series of contests to help promote the Walt In PA blog and my Shooting The Breeze Podcast. My thought was to run a month long contest, every month for a year. This left me needing an affordable prize that would appeal to a wide range of gun enthusiasts. SHOOT by Julie Golob was the first item that came to mind.
Wanting to do a little cross promotion, I reached out to my good friend Jerry Cruz from Stogie Review
to see if he had any interest in sponsoring the prizes (Jerry and I being co-founders of Stogie Review certainly didn’t hurt) and he was on-board with the idea. A few days later I placed an order for a dozen copies of SHOOT by Julie Golob.
When I was in the process of finalizing the prize, I made mention of my plans on Twitter, Facebook
, and Google+
, and got a message from Julie that she would be happy to sign a book plate for each winner. I was happy to take her up on her offer and add a nice personal touch to the already enjoyable read.
As of last night (April 3, 2012) I received a notice that my “12x SHOOT” order has shipped (I’m glad I don’t have to carry that box up to my front porch), which means that it is time to kick off the first of twelve contests.
How to Enter:
For this first contest, I want to start things off nice and easy. All I would like to you do is head down to the comments section (below this post) and answer one question. What does shooting mean to you?
Your answer doesn’t need to be a 1k word essay (it certainly can be if you’d like), just a few words sharing with the readers what shooting means to you. If typing isn’t your thing and you’d prefer to record your answer via Audio or Video, please feel free to do so, jusk link to the source in the comments section.
- All entries must be in by 11:59 PM EST on Monday, April 30, 2012.
- A winner will be randomly selected and contacted via email before the end of the week.
- The winner has 7 days to claim their prize. After 7 days another winner will be randomly selected.
- One entry per person (multiple entries will disqualify you altogether).
- I’ll be shipping this prize out-of-pocket, so USA and Canada only, please.
Support those that Support Me:
Please take a minute to thank Stogie Review for providing these prizes. You can do that by visiting the Stogie Review Website, ‘Liking’ the Stogie Review Facebook Page
, or by sending a quick thank you via Twitter.
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Shooting means being empowered and able to protect myself.
Shooting is a hobby that I can enjoy with my dad along with providing me the skills to protect myself and my loved ones if I needed to.
Shooting: Free folks’ fun with friends and friends to be!
To me, shooting is a fun, relaxing way to enjoy the outdoors (or indoors). While supporting a sport that celebrates our Nation’s history and Constitutionally protected rights.
Shooting brings me back to being a Marine. It is 30 years ago this summer that I went to boot camp. I’m buying a basic M1911 this year to complete the experience.
Shooting….ranks right up there with fishing and breathing!!
Fun, exciting, getting to be outdoors and learning responsibility.
Shooting, my dearest hobby and a way to relax.
Shooting means so many different things to me:
Accomplishment, success, friends, being with my husband and “kicking boy butt” 🙂 Mostly it brings me unlimited happiness.
Brings me back to when Dad would take me shooting in the woods, spending time together. Now as a father I do the same with my son, just to see the smile on his face when the trigger is squeezed. Doesn’t matter a whole lot if you miss a target every now and then, because we are together doing something.
What does shooting mean to me?
To me it means an escape from whatever is going on because when I’m competing or training I don’t think about anything else besides shooting.
Fun way to spend the day, but with an extra added purpose that could be a lifesaver.
I am a single father. Shooting is a big part of my life. I have shot with my kids since they were both 6 years old(son 15 now and daughter 12 now). They were taught gun safety before ever handling a firearm. Shooting has provided many hours of family outings whether it is shooting rifles,pistols, a round of sporting clays or just shooting air rifles in the back yard. My kids beg for it and live for it. It gives me great pleasure to spend this time with them when other kids are out doing things they probably should not be doing. I wish and hope that other parents will help keep the spirit alive……it seems to be a dying sport.
freedom and how this great country got theres from england, how the first americans survived
Shooting is many things to me. First, it is preservation of a tradition passed down from generation to generation. It has been a vehicle to teach children responsibilities, to appreciate freedom provided by the constitution, sportsmanship, hand eye coordination without sitting in front of a game console and it brings us together as a family. Arguably, the discipline, practical and technical skills learned from shooting are an invaluable foundation for a more healthy, robust lifestyle. Just my $0.02
Shooting to me is a time when I can turn off everything but my focus on the sight picture I don’t think about work, or the grass being to long
Its a calming restful state that wiil recharge my batteries to do battle in the crazy rat race we live in until the next time I get to shoot again.
Shooting means to me a time of relaxation. A time to get away from the everyday grind of work and people. A time to be alone while focusing my energy on to the target and relieving my stress when I send a bullet down range
Shooting is my stress relief and means of quality time with my family!
shooting is my hobby, my stress reliever, my life. Love firearms, love collecting them and studying them. would love to be a competition shooter.
I have always been a history buff, mostly military. I have been collecting and firing military rifles and handguns for years. It has allowed me to answer the question, “what was it like to carry and use this type of gun”. One interest feeds the other. Shooting, and everything involved with it, has been my stress relief and love for almost all of my life.
Shooting to me means several things. It means freedom, and when I say that I mean freedom from the everyday bumps life throws at us. I use shooting as an outlet because
Last year my wife was diagnosed with MS at the age of 25. I used to play paintball on the pro circuit and now shoot competitively. Shooting means discipline to me. You need to have good fundamentals and patience when shooting which happens with discipline.
Thank You,
Adam Powers
It’s FUN!
Shooting means freedom. Shooting means partaking in our right to the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Shooting means there is a sport to compete in, a means to security, or simply a hobby for the weekend warrior. Shooting means “God Bless the USA!”
Shooting is exercising a god given right, an American heritage and the spirit of competition to me.
Shooting means freedom. It means good times with friends and family, and new friends that have become like family. It also means I have made a choice to put up a fight. I will not be beaten easily.
I think shooting is an empowerment for all walks of life. To be able to protect yourself and your family is priceless knowledge and functions of firearms. I enjoy my freedoms to be able to teach my wonderful daughter how to shoot. She is eight years old and loves Julie when she is on tv. So if i were to win this book it would go straight to my daughter. My daughter loves to go out with me shooting and learning everything she can from me and other family members. This is how firearms and the shooting sports have brought my family together and will stay together shooting
It’s both fun and a means to defend myself. My wife and I both enjoy iy.
Shooting means empowerment to me, self awareness and self assuredness all at the same time. I just starting shooting and I’m 53 years old, I’m loving it so far and am considering joining a club 🙂
Shooting has acquainted me with friends, provided me security, relieved my stress, calmed my fear, raised my awareness, sharpened my senses, boosted my confidence and given me joy. It’s not how good you are, but how much better you can be. You get out what you put in.
In regard to shooting, when one lives to shoot rather than shoots to live, there is true love!
Shooting to me means… to exercise my constitutional rights as well as celebrating a personal freedom and choice. Also in practicing I feel I am training my muscle memory to quickly and accurately place rounds on target.thanks for the opportunity. Luke
Shooting means living to me. I shoot with my husband and my parents and large number of friends made during shooting events. It is not only a fun and bonding experience, but it helps keeps me focused and sane, reducing stresses found in everyday life.
Living in West Virginia, shooting is a rite of passage, of sorts. I recently purchased my first handgun, and have since started building my first AR. Slippery slope! haha
Holy comments Walt!!!! Damn hahaha. For me its two fold. Shooting first and foremost means exercising my Second Amendment right. Second its freedom. I have always been a sports guy be it, Soccer, Baseball, Basketball most everything I did was team oriented (except for golf) and Shooting was something I always enjoyed doing but how you shot was up to you nobody was there helping you or your shooting was affected by others on your team its soley up to you. Plus its pretty bad ass hahah
Shooting is freedom, and accuracy, and life-long learning, and camaraderie, and responsibility.
And fun.
It is our right and duty to bear arms in a safe manner.
Well shooting a gun relaxes me & it’s my new Hobby & pick me it’s my birthday these month April 12 Thanks
Shooting keeps me in touch with memories of my Father.
For my eighth birthday I received a Savage Model 24, .410/.22LR Over & Under.
That Kentucky rabbit season I hunted with my Father and his buddies. Any and all were free
to offer gun handling wisdom or to correct my actions.
For my ninth birthday I received ammunition. On each outing I was allowed target practice, but that first season I carried an empty gun while actually hinting.
Shooting to me means being able to defend myself if need be, to be able to put food on my table for my family no matter what, to challenge myself to better control my body at the range and to be a part of a community far larger than just myself.
Shooting is a physical manifestation of the American freedom that we are in constant danger of losing if we do not jealously defend it.
Besides, it’s really FUN!
Shooting means fun and challenges with family and friends. It also means a way of building confidence for my children.
What shooting means to me….I’m a late bloomer. Got my first firearm at age 48, a Ruger M77 Hawkeye .308 and this past year a Sig Sauer P250SC in 9mm. Shooting has provided me with a new hobby of hunting and a reconnection with the outdoors. Got my first Deer last year, an 8 point buck, and has kindled a huge interest in shooting at the range. There is nothing better for stress relief then to put a few rounds down range by yourself or with friends and family. A great way to enjoy an ever growing American interest and a community of its own. You cannot stress the importance of presonal protection for your family these days and by spending time at the range and building confidence that you will do it right if needed. This past month I have obtained my CCW permit and am thrilled over my new right to leagally carry and to be a safety minded gun owner. Thanks from Erle from Va.
I like shooting its fun ! relaxing ! help me clear my head ! get to meat interesting people
For me shooting has multiple meanings.
Shooting (non-defensive) is much like playing billiards. There are so many small things that go into a great game. Stance, angles, body control, power, patience and resilience. When I was young I used to play a lot of pool because it was such a fun but complicated task. Now I do the same thing but its all about sight alignment, sight picture and trigger control.
Shooting (defensive) is very different from what I wrote above because the stakes are higher even though the fundamentals are the same. You still have to focus on your sight alignment, sight picture and trigger control but you must also focus on your target kind of like billiards. If you do everything right but hit the wrong target or miss it that could very well be your last mistake.
I enjoy the sport of shooting but I also respect the burden of shooting and carrying a firearm. This is why I encourage more training for everyone, not just on how to shoot but on why and when it may be the final option for defending life.
Shooting is about heritage. My daughter shops at the same gun store that her great grandfather purchased guns and ammo from. Shooting is away for me to connect with my daughter while passing down several generations of family heritage to her. She hunts in the same woods that her great great grandfather hunted in.
Shooting is no longer a hobbie. It has become a way of life. it is my stress release, it is piece of mind, shooting is a part of my life i could never give up.
Shooting brings back memories of hunting with my granddad(even though he has passed away). Sitting under the mesquite tree (yes we have a couple of them) in the wide open spaces of Texas, learning about hunting and life in general. Nobody else around to interrupt those times. Not caring if we saw anything or not, just spending the quality time together. Now I have almost the same opportunity sharing those type of experiences with my son and daughter. Shooting brings families closer together. Whether it is hunting in the field, shooting clays on the range, shooting steel or paper, or traveling to your first competition, we all remember our first experience and have fond memories of that time. That is why I teach boy scouts, 4-H, Hunters Ed and NRA classes to shoot, be safe and have fun. That is what shooting is about——Bringing Families Closer Together.
Dreams as a child, fun with friends, time in Gods creation, competition with my buddies, putting food on the table and in freezer, and keeping my family safe. It is the core of me being an American.
Shooting for me means a lot, intact, I owe a lot of my life now to shooting (ask me three years ago and i would have looked at you like you were crazy). It started off as a hobby and has grown into a passion. I met my fiancé through trap shooting and the members of the gun club are a second family to me. Shooting helped me branch out of my own small little world into another that until a few years ago I never knew existed and become friends with people I never thought I would. Besides being a fun time with friends, it is also a time to clear my head of other day stresses.
Shooting means I will always have a great way to challenge myself and a fun way to spend time with my wife and friends.
Shooting to me is an expression of my 2nd Amendment, one that I take very seriously.
I grew up shooting, so for me it was a bond with my dad. As I grew older, it was comraderie with my friends as we hunted together. Now as an adult, it is my passion weather it is trap shooting, self defense training, or IDPA competition.
What does shooting mean to me: “Woman must not depend upon the protection of men but must be taught to protect herself. And there I make my stand”. Susan B. Anthony
To me, shooting means that at the age of 53, after attending a women’s only introduction to handguns class, I got to not only get my first handgun for Christmas, but also my first shotgun, and I got to go on my first pheasant hunt two weeks ago….and I got two roosters!!!!
Being raised with three older brothers and a family of hunters, shooting always meant food on the table. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I was exposed to target shooting and guns of every make/model. I have become especially fond of hitting the range with my husband and son to plink. We always have a wonderful time, meet great people and enjoy hanging out and shooting. It is through this passion of my husband’s that my lifestyle has changed by opening a gun business, participating in the Marine Corps League and just moving and shak’n everyday rather than renting a movie and being a couch potato. A whitetail hunt may be in my future but for now I’ll stick to targets on a nice, sunny day.
Being completely focused in the zone .
Shooting to me means liberty, time with my children and being out in the woods.
shooting is my zen meditation
Shooting, for me, is like a martial art… a way of war to live in peace (and a way to save my life, the life of my partners in duty, and for the people we serve and protect)
What shooting to me means is a fun activity and a form of stress release. A way to hang around with friends but more importantly a way to make new friends and introduce them to the shooting sports.
To me, shooting is the only recreational activity that can provide 4 of our basic needs: recreation, food, self-defense, and liberty. All of the tenets are entwined with one another yet can also be solitary pursuits. Fellowship and brotherhood/sisterhood naturally evolve and make the world just a bit smaller.
Shooting for me is exercising my constitutional right and having fun while doing so.
Family, friends and freedom. Sharing experiences. Time in the outdoors. Putting food on the table. Teaching responsible shooting and passing down family weapons to the next generation.
Shooting means I’m free.
Shooting means spending time with my 9 y.o. son. Teaching him respect, responsibility, and focus. This is an interest that we will continue to share and bond over as he grows into manhood.
Shooting defines in no small part what it means for us to be Americans. People the world over covet our Freedoms, Independence and Self-Reliance … all brought about via Guiding Providence aiding Patriots willing to excel at shooting, May God Bless our continued efforts.
I am a 60 year old woman who has recently discovered the rewards of shooting. I am digesting so much material to gain knowledge of the sport, I have yet to do my first IDPA shoot, but look forward to this goal. I have viewed may of Julies You Tube videos and am super impressed by her agility and knowledge of the sport. It is never to late to begin a new skill.
Well shooting to me means two things… 1) As a Marine Combat Marksmanship Intructor shooting means survival for the Marines I teach. Each and every experience I get as a shooter I pass on to my Marines to hopefully carry them through combat. 2) As a Competition shooter… shooting is my life! Its a perfect stress relief, provides me challenges in life and is also the only sport im good at lol…
Shooting is freedom! It’s self-reliance as I can provide for my family. The family can protect ourselves. Shooting is a family activity. Shooting is for everyone no matter your physical stature or strength or handicap. Hand eye coordination required for shooting can slow aging difficulties. Shooting is a skill that once learned cannot be taken from you.
Shooting means everything to me. It is more than just a hobby, it is an integral part of my lifestyle. I couldn’t imagine life without the smell of gunpowder, hot brass, and so-forth. I recall as a pre-teen my father took me out with a .22 rifle and until I was able to hit a target the size of a nickel 10 out of 10 times from 20 yards, he wouldn’t let me hunt. His shooting discipline stuck with me as a I grew older and experienced more firearms. There have always been firearms around me, and I carry one daily, and target shoot at least once a week. For me, owning firearms is the very essence of freedom, it is because of the right to own firearms that all other rights are protected. It is a responsibility, one to be respected and never abused. There’s something special to be had from shooting, a sense of pride, and the drive to constantly work at bettering one’s skills. Shooting is rewarding, not from trophies or recognition by others, but the sense of satisfaction you feel for yourself when you’ve pushed yourself harder than before and have the cloverleafed target to prove it.
Shooting means; Personal defense, training, safety, recreation, fun, skill, constitutional rights, a way of life and pleasure!
Shooting is a lot of things: An enjoyable hobby that is sure to relieve stress, a skill with real life applications (for the brave men and women in the military and law enforcement, as well as for any of us who may have to defend ourselves or families from violent criminals), and a unique and extremely fun yet demanding sport that requires both mental and physical training and toughness.
I have just recently found the joy of shooting. I want to go shoot all the time now. Now I wonder why I was always so afraid of guns. I want to learn as much as I can so that I can get better and better.
Shooting to me is like music or art is to others. It is a part of me. It is what I enjoy most and what I love to do.
Shooting means freedom, stress-relief, and security, and man is it fun to compete! The speed,power, accuracy combo just hooked me the first time I saw a match. You get to meet such great people, and watch some of the greatest shooters in the world.
I so look forward to teaching my 3 girls how to safely handle a firearm and shoot competitively if they like.
I was so fortunate a few years ago to attend the Babes With Bullets training with Julie and other fabulous lady shooters and can’t wait to read her book!
What does shooting mean to you?
Shooting is the main expression of my 2A right, and my natural right to self-defense. Shooting is one activity that helps me ensure that I am a responsible citizen by allowing me to practice and hone my firearm handling.
shooting means to me, it’s just a fun sport, something I can do with my daughters, being able to consistently do the one shot one kill when hunting, it’s just fun!
What shooting means to me is the personal challenge and addiction to accuracy. Whether I’m shooting a pistol, rifle, shotgun, or even throwing darts or releasing a bow, the challenge of my hand(s) causing the projectile to hit its mark, brings me back again and again to this wonderful sport.
Being a perfectionist and having no selfasteem at young age, shooting was the first thing that made me compliment myself. Now 20 years later, shooting (and especially IPSC) is still one of the necessaties in my life.
The simple question, “What does shooting mean to you?” conjures within me a multitude of images and memories. I can still see the delight in my dad’s eyes as I opened the Christmas present containing my first Daisy BB gun. I was six years old. I found out how he felt when I gave our oldest boy his first .22 rifle. It wasn’t the giving or receiving of the gifts that impacted all our lives. It was the bonds formed through shooting them together.
As the decades passed, our families grew. We lost several family members but none of the things they had shared with us.
So, what does shooting mean to me? It means family and friends. It means challenges met together. It means freedom.
A chance to have fun with my wife,sons and friends . Also getting to meet and hang out with some really fun people .
What shooting means to me. . #1 Fun and # 2 protection of my family.
Shooting to me means freedom and a sense of empowerment. As a Marine I fired only rifles and bigger (many cannot believe we weren’t trained on handguns but during my tour, that was for MP’s). I have recently purchased my first set of handguns and I love them so much. I go to the range as much as I can and would love to be a competitive shooter one day. I feel so free when I’m shooting and the adrenaline rush is an added bonus.
I grew up around guns as a the only girl in my family with 3 older brothers. I always respected guns but never shot one. About 3 1/2 years ago I bought my first pistol, without ever shooting one before – M&P 9mm…the Julie edition! I shot it and fell in love with it! It’s a very liberating experience for me! Since then, I have converted my husband to M&P’s also!
I am a strong independent woman who can now defend herself if the need arise which I hope it never does. I love th community that I got involved with after I started shooting! I hope to soon start competing…which my husband started me in with a pink holster, pink mags, and a pink comp belt!
I got to meet Julie at SHOT this year! It really is because of her that got me into this sport!
What shooting means to me is simple. It’s practical use of the fundamentals and repetition to further ensure that when the time comes i am ready and able to do what is needed. It also allows me to work on my focus, so that in other areas i am focused as well.
Shooting is simply my passion.
Shooting means to be able to go out anytime and have a safe fun time with friends.
what shooting really means for me is.. my first time shooting a firearm was at 5 years and my dad taking me out to shoot his shotgun for the first time. he explained the importance of firearm safety and how to use the sights and to always be aware of your path of the bullet and where it will go if you miss. the excitement i felt as he let me hold it by myself and as i pulled the trigger, the kick of the discharge as i pulled the trigger and of suddenly finding myself on the ground, knocked down by the unexpected recoil. i didn’t let go or drop the shotgun either. my dad laughing as he helped me to get up and him telling me to look at the target.. i had hit it nonetheless. my dad telling me i was a natural marksman thus putting me on a path everytime i go shooting to be the best i can be as a firearm marksman. the value that was instilled that day to me by my dad i will share with my own children someday. this is truly my greatest memory of spending time with my dad.
My way to relax… and nothing sounds better than the steel ringing..
What does shooting mean to you?
Shooting is “QUALITY” time spent with my daughters at the range, at a meet, in the field hunting, time that stereotypical was once spent between a father and “son”. I have 4 daughters and no son’s, so when they ask me to go to the range or youth rifle, it is 100% quality time spent!
shooting = fun
Shooting is the most fun I can have, fully clothed and standing up.
And we have a winner – Congratulations Chuck Clark.
An email is en-route for shipping information.
Thanks to everyone for entering.