If you are into shooting, you are probably familiar with the name Julie Golob. She is a highly accomplished professional shooter with a number of titles. She has appeared on a number of televised shooting programs, which most recently include Top Shot
, Top Guns
, and Shooting USA
What you may not know about Julie Golob (or perhaps you do if you’ve been listening to my Shooting The Breeze Podcasts – Episode 34 | Episode 25 | Episode 19 | Episode 17 | Episode 16 – Wow, after typing up that list I feel like such a fanboi) is that she recently wrote a book entitled SHOOT: Your Guide to Shooting and Competition.
During the winter months, when local USPSA Shooting was on hiatus, I had the pleasure of reading Julie’s book. After reading SHOOT, I recommended it on my podcast and to a couple of personal friends. The few people that told me that they purchased the book, seemed to enjoy it as well.
Fast-forward a few months. I was recently thinking that it would be cool to do a series of contests to help promote the Walt In PA blog and my Shooting The Breeze Podcast. My thought was to run a month long contest, every month for a year. This left me needing an affordable prize that would appeal to a wide range of gun enthusiasts. SHOOT by Julie Golob was the first item that came to mind.
Wanting to do a little cross promotion, I reached out to my good friend Jerry Cruz from Stogie Review
to see if he had any interest in sponsoring the prizes (Jerry and I being co-founders of Stogie Review certainly didn’t hurt) and he was on-board with the idea. A few days later I placed an order for a dozen copies of SHOOT by Julie Golob.
When I was in the process of finalizing the prize, I made mention of my plans on Twitter, Facebook
, and Google+
, and got a message from Julie that she would be happy to sign a book plate for each winner. I was happy to take her up on her offer and add a nice personal touch to the already enjoyable read.
As of July 1, 2012, a winner was randomly selected, and successfully contacted, for the month of June. With two successful contests under our belts, lets move right along to the third of twelve monthly contests.
How to Enter:
Over the past couple of months I have been seeing a definite trend in the entries for these contests. There is a slow trickle of entries throughout the month, then a wave comes through right around the end. My intention this month is to smooth that out and see if we can’t push past 100 entries this month (I’m making that my goal).
To enter the July contest for a Signed Copy of Shoot by Julie Golob, I’d like you to head down to the comments section and tell me what you did in guns today. You will be given one entry for answering that very simple question. For additional entries, you’ll need to show me what you did in guns today.
There will be a one entry per person, per day, cap on this contest. To simplify things, think of it this way. On Friday you head down to the comments section and tell me all about the plinking session you just returned from. On Saturday, you return to the comments section and show me a photo of you cleaning your gun after the prior days plinking session. Please don’t limit yourself to photos, you may also use YouTube to share video as well.
There are plenty of free services for hosting photos. Just sign up for one, if you aren’t already a member, and copy/paste the link for your photo into the comments section. Please keep in mind, if your photo is set to ‘Private’ on your photo account, we won’t be able to see it and it will not count as an entry.
- All entries must be in by 11:59 PM EST on Tuesday, July 31, 2012.
- A winner will be randomly selected and contacted via email before the end of the week.
- The winner has 7 days to claim their prize. After 7 days another winner will be randomly selected.
- One entry per person, per day (Maximum of 28 entries as of this posting)
- I’ll be shipping this prize out-of-pocket, so USA and Canada only, please.
Support those that Support Me:
Please take a minute to thank Stogie Review for providing these prizes. You can do that by visiting the Stogie Review Website, ‘Liking’ the Stogie Review Facebook Page
, or by sending a quick thank you via Twitter.
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Why would I sell guns? To buy more guns, of course! Is there any other reason? 🙂
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Sighted in my new air pistol for basement practice
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Cleaned my Glock 19 and Colt 1911. Not very exciting but try to do a quick clean once a month
Today in GUNS; Finally got my 1st handgun > Rossi M851 4 inch s/s double action revolver mid. 1990’s pre-Taurus model> No Smith and Wesson, but I have to start somewhere. .38 Special (not +P rated).
Today I Joined a Gun Range! (and over the holiday I joined the NRA “Thanks Jim Scoutten!”)
Today I ordered some ammo from Cheaper than Dirt. 6 boxes of 45 ACP.
Today in guns, I have re-loaded my shooting bag from a range trip yesterday in preparation for a trip to the range this afternoon.
I shoot my S&W M&P from my deck, I love living in the country.
Today in guns… I carried my Glock 23 (converted to 9mm) while I walked my dog. Then I contemplated reloading some 12 gauge on my MEC 9000G.
I determined what would be needed to add a scope to my new Browning 1885 BPCR (new to me) and ordered them from one of the many suppliers of those products.
Sitting at home today, waiting on the Fed X truck to deliver my Lone Star 50 caliber rifle. Not one of the new 50’s, but a custom rifle, built on a Remington rolling block action, still capable of shooting to 1000 yards.
I have pictures, but can’t seem to get them to post?
Upload you photos to a service like Flickr, PhotoBucket, Facebook (set it to public) then Copy / Paste the link to the image in your comment.
Today I carried my gun… Saturday I did my first IDPA class which you know, and if I shoot with you tomorrow do I get extra credit cause I’m plinking with the owner of the site?? hahah No need to enter me in this contest I’ll just borrow yours!!! I’m behind on my Waltinpa stuff you post more stuff then I can keep up with. Great job buddy.
Heh. Today I walked someone through how a gatling gun works, the refinements made to a chaingun, and the monstrous GAU-8 on the A-10. Then I left him on YouTube watching an AC-130.
There’s a limit to how much I can do at work.
On Sunday I shot in the GSSF River Bend Challenge. Here’s a photo from @GlockinTall who was there with me. If I win, I will let him read the book. https://p.twimg.com/Ax4JeZ6CEAALPQT.jpg
I shot fairly well for the match as a whole, except that I missed 4 plates in the first string. That was all it took. Adding 40 seconds needlessly. But it was great to be with all the Glock shooters, see a lot of folks I’ve shot with, and meet some new folks.
And, for a personal best, the Glock armorer replaced the recoil spring on my G17 for the third year in a row. But that was all he replaced.
Well I haven’t done anything today, but on Saturday I went to the shotgun range and shot 2 rounds of trap and 2 rounds of skeet.
Winning bidder on GunBroker for a vintage Unertl scope, manufactured around the turn of the century, externally adjustable, 3/4″ tube diameter, 10X.
Fecker and Unertl were the top scope makers in 1900, replaced today by Leupold and Nikon, and others, as with many vintage firearm related items, 100 year old scopes are just as good as those today, just limited in a few areas, and requiring external adjustable mounts.
Google Fecker or Unertl to see what I ramble about………………….
keep up the good work Walt, you raise the awareness and need for all of us to carry every day, every where we can.
Today, I followed up with the gunsmith who has been working on a couple I bought and a Colt Officers Model that I have had. They are finally ready to pick up.
Today I put a set of XS Bigdot sights on my cc G19 along with a Lasermax guiderod. I will be testing those sights out the next sunny day I get here in VA. Thanks for the show Walt!!
Today in Guns I cleaned two of my handguns they got pretty dirty
Today, I cleaned my Springfield XD-9..it needed a good overhaul!
Congratulations, you were randomly selected as our winner. Please check your email and let me know where to send your book.
Thanks for entering the contest. I hope you enjoy the book.
This morning I patterned a 12 gauge shotgun for Turkey hunting and then cleaned a Kimber Ultra chambered for .45 ACP (my carry gun). Any day spent shooting, cleaning, or hunting with guns is a good day!
I’m teaching (with friends) NRA Basic Pistol Shooting course tonight, Thurs and Fri.
Today I am reloading for an up coming USPSA match.
Chronographed .40S&W & 9mm Luger reloads…need to lighten the 9mm powder charge.
Off to FRGC for a practice session on turning targets
Polished the slide of my Smith & Wesson Corp.4516 to a mirror finish now to KAP Guns to do some shooting
Today, July 25th 2012, I escorted a wanted fugitive from Miami-Dade to New Jersey. Kudos to United airlines and the TSA for professional assistance. In this case, it’s good I DIDN’T use my firearm. Lol
Today in guns, my husband and I signed up to take a CCW class at the end of August. I also did more research on which holster I would like to carry my firearm in, and read the “Girls Guide to Guns,” blog about the Flashbang holster, and decided to buy it!
Today I sent in my application to the ATF to make my AR-15 an SBR.
I don’t regularly get out to the range or be able to shoot due to lack of funds currently. I have found a Kimber Pro Carry II that I am planning on buying when I have the funds. I recently this month passed and was endorsed for my NRA Certified Instructors credentials. Just waiting for them to come back from the NRA office.
Thank you for all you do!!!!
Finally shoot my .38 Special 4″ barrel for the 1st time (actually 1st time shooting and handgun)..wow; for 20 + y/o revolver it shot great; I was lucky enough to have 2 novice shooters alongside to help me out..kept everything in the trunk area center mass on a profile target..but I kept it at 15-20 feet,,hey, I know y’all probably laughing at the short distance but I gotta start somewhere..I actually shot it better than I did with their 9mm, .380 and .45 autos…but I gotta say that .45 was fun to shoot.
Made up some reloads for the new Ruger Blackhawk in .44 mag!
Today I cleaned my FNS-9, M&P 22, and 22/45 lite after taking them to the range last night for ladies night. Good times.
Was able to pick up the guns I had at the gunsmith. The Blackhawk I had refinished looks awesome. Can’t wait to go to the range.
Today I listed several guns I want to sell / trade on Armslist.com. Several emails already exchanged and I may be trading a Beretta 92 with burned out night sites for Gen 3 G26. Fingers crossed. BTW…I found the podcast on Stitcher and listened for the first time.
Worked with my son practicing with my Sig P229 air soft. Maybe we can get to the range this weekend.
I got my Glock 17 ready for the USPSA match tomorrow – changed the connector, brushed out the barrel, etc. I also did a little practice drawing and changing magazines.
Today I purchased a new 1911, a Dan Wesson Valor V-Bob. this will replace my Glock 19 for carry.
Worked on cleaning up my reloading room today.
Bought a hogue grip for my Kel-Tec PF9 and put it on.
Not sure how to load my own pics and videos but here is something I bought thru Amazon last week. I have not received it yet.
And from my July 30th post.
As normal, I got up took my bedside firearm (Kahr PF45) bagged it and took to kitchen. After getting ready for work, slipped BUG in pocket (NAA.32), holstered primary and headed out.
Today I did with guns- this morning I reloaded 1000 rounds of handgun / Rifle ammunition, then went to the range to practice for my next CAS match – Rifle, Pistols and Shotgun. Doesn’t take too long to fireoff 1000 rounds with two revolvers and a rifle. Next yet to do is to clean up 4 firearms.